Dublin Marathon, Mile 3

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Training Update

Unfortunately for me, on the Wednesday after the half marathon 2 weeks ago, I injured my left knee. Not out running, but getting in and out of the office at work! The step is higher than normal and I felt it was uncomfortable at the time, and by evening when I got home and sat on the sofa, it was swelling up. GUTTED! How could it be that I ran the race so well and then injured my knee at work??!! (As it turns out, I probably aggravated the knee in the race from a lack of warm up and stretching pre-race, and the injury was a result of that).
Had a few days in the UK to see family and friends from 26th – went to the Isle of Wight which was awesome and then to a mates party on the Saturday night which was great fun too, and then on to Cambridge to see the family. No training at all that week as the knee was still too sore.
Managed to get a swim in at Parkside Pool on Tuesday May 1st. Must have been 20 years since I was there last so it was a bit weird but cool at the same time. (2000m good form).
Got another swim in on Saturday back in Germany (1500m) and this morning done a gym session with knee/quads exercises, weights, Cross trainer, and finally some running. J (90 mins total).
Need to keep working on the knee/quads/hamstrings this week to make sure am fit for Saturday’s half marathon in our “home” town of Mannheim. There are some other friends running and my mum is coming from the UK too! Its an evening race starting at 1830 and should be good fun afterwards…

Was aiming for 2 hours so will see how that goes. J

Note: time this week – 4hours 30 mins.
Weekly weigh in  - 92.0KG.
Ordered this item to assist with the knee/quad rehab: http://www.blackroll.com/home/

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