Dublin Marathon, Mile 3

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Running in Sweden (and a wedding)

WEEK 19 -

I spent most of last week in Sweden. I was on the island of Hven, near to Malmö for a wedding. Two close friends who also live in Mannheim near me, we getting married. The bride is from the Malmö area and the groom is from the UK, up north.  I only worked Monday and Tuesday and then flew out to Copenhagen in Denmark to make the journey to the island on Wednesday.

With only 5 weeks to the next marathon I had to take my running gear with me; to keep the KM's clocking up and to counter-balance to intake of food and booze than was on the cards! Managed to run 3 of the available 5 mornings which was great as the island was amazing. It was quite small, only 11.5 km in circumference  but the views were amazing. Had a few people to run with from the wedding group too which was nice, as I normally run on my own before work in the morning or at the weekend. Even got the groom out on wedding day morning for a 6K'er!

The wedding was amazing!

Here's a few pics from the time in Hven:

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Amazing view of the island when out running

panoramic view of the island, from the hill top church

In total i managed to get in 3.45 hours of the prescribed 4.40 so not bad considering, but i put some weight on and need to shift it again, quick.

Week 20 is this week and i have a good 9 hours of training to get through, for me sins. Big run on Sunday - 3 hours, and a double run was done today (AM and PM).

now 4 weeks till Mannheim Marathon and am planning a half on May 26th in Basel, Switzerland, assuming my coach says that doesnt feck up the marathon plan.

So, onwards..............

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